NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


石山寺 Ishiyamadera Ishiyama Temple

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Ishiyama Temple, located in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, is the headquarter of Shingon Buddhism. It was built by the priest Roubon under the request of Emperor Shomu in 747. Today, it is the thirteenth destination of the thirty-three temples on the Saikoku Fudasho Pilgrammage. The deity enshrined within temple is the Nyoirin Kannon. Located within its expansive grounds, approximately 120000m2 in area, is the Keikaigan (Keikai Rock).  It is a rare type of rock known as Wollonstonite, and the Keikaigan has been designated a National treasure.  Rising high over the grounds of the temple, this Keikaigan is where the name of the temple, Ishiyama, meaning stone mountain originates.
Located within the main hall of the temple are all sorts of treasures.  Most notably, these are the Shoutokutaishi's Hibutsu (Hidden Buddha), which is said to grant marriage, easy birth, and happiness, the Bodhisattva of the Nyoirin Kannon sealed by Imperial command, and Genji’s Room.  It is said that Murasaki Shikibu began writing the Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji) at Ishiyama Temple and a room has been set aside room to commerate this.
Aside from these treasures, many different kinds of cultural properties from the Nara, Heian, and the Kamakura Period are preserved within the temple.  This includes the Rennyodo, which are the historic relics of Rennyo Shonin, an eminent monk, and the Tahoto, another National Treasure.
The temple is also famous because many female literary figures like the aforementioned Murasaki Shikibu visited its grounds.  These include Seisho Nagon, Izumi Shikibu, Sugawara no Takasue's daughter, and a writer known only by the pen name "The Mother of Fujiwara no Michitsuna" visited the temple. It can be said that Ishiyama Temple is a temple for writers, influencing ancient culture.

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1-1-1 Ishiyamadera, Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, 520-0861
Ishiyama Temple

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