NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


福島 霊山 Fukushima Ryouzen Fukushima Ryozen Mountain

Jp En

Ryozen Mountain has an elevation of 825 meters and is designated a National Historical Relic Site as well as a Prefectural Natural Park.

The mountain was spiritually opened by Ennin (also known as Jikaku-daishi), the Zasu of Enryaku Temple of Mt Hiei in Kyoto. The name Ryozen comes from Mt Ryojusen (also known as Gridhakuta) in India.

Ryozen Mountain was founded by Ennin during the early Heian period, and prospered as a hub temple of the Tendai Sect. Found just north of the Abukuma Mountains, it is a roughly shaped rock mountain.

Formerly known as a mountain of Shugendo, the remains of Gomandan can be found inside the mountain. In addition, downtown Fukushima, Date-gun and Date City can be seen from the Western Observation Rock, whilst downtown Soma, Soma-gun and the Pacific Ocean can be seen from the Eastern Observation Rock. The mountain is also known for its beautiful autumn leaves.

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Ryozen-machi, Date, Fukushima Prefecture
Fukushima Ryozen Mountain

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