NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


唐津焼 Karatsuyaki Karatsu Ware

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Although opinion is divided, the pottery in Karatsu region started in the late 16th Century, when Hata Tribe controlled the district of Matsuura in Hizen region (the present Saga Pref.). After Hideyoshi’s campaigns to Korea, which is also known as the “ceramic wars”, a lot of Korean potters were abducted to Japan, Karatsu Ware also developed rapidly. Karatsu Ware is often ranked with Seto Ware, being said “Seto in the east and Karatsu in the west,” both of which are the representative pottery in Japan. People sometimes call a ceramic product a “Setomono,” while people in the western part of Japan call one a “Karatsumono.” Karatsu Ware is pottery, which is made out of clay, whereas Arita Ware, the other famous ceramic ware in Saga Pref., is porcelain, which is made out of powdered rocks. There are various styles in Karatsu Ware, including E-garatsu or Madara-karatsu. It has enjoyed an established reputation as tea ware since Japanese tea ceremony started. It is a nationally designated Traditional Craft Product.

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2nd floor, Arubino-kaikan, Furusato-kaikan, 2881-1, Shinkou-machi, Karatsu, Saga Prefecture, 847-0816
Karatsu Ware Cooporative Association

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