NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


田浦梅の里 Taura-ume-no-sato Taura Green Park

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Taura Green Park located in Taura-Izumi-cho, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Pref. is known for plum blossoms. It is selected one of 100 Flower Spots of Kanagawa Pref. In 1934, local people planted 700 plum trees to celebrate the birth of the prince (the present emperor). Now this is the most extensive garden of plum trees on Miura Peninsula, boasting of 2700 plum trees, including such varieties as aojiku, shirokaga white plum blossoms and Yoro red plum blossoms. The garden is filled with sweet fragrance of plum blossoms during the season. Plum Wine and Plum Liquor made from plums picked from the trees are becoming popular as a noteworthy product of Yokosuka City. The park also features an area for athletic activities, a campground and a grass field, where visitors can leisurely enjoy nature all through the year.

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92Tauraizumi-cho, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan, 237-0073

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