NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


戒長寺 Kaichou-ji Kaichoji Temple

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Kaichoji located on the side of Mt. Kaiba in Uda City, Nara Pref. is a temple belonging to Omuro School of Shingon Sect. Its Sango (the name of the mountain on which it is located) is Kaiba-san and it is popularly called “Kaiba Yakushi.” The temple is said to have been established by Prince Shotoku under the order of Emperor Yomei. It is also said that the great priest Kukai performed the ascetic practices at this temple. In the Heian period (794-1192), it was flourished as the ashram for dharma practice. The main object of worship is the image of Kakushi Nyorai. There are also othe 9 images of Buddha made during the period when Fujiwara clan prospered. The temple bell hung in the belltower in the precinct is a very unique bell, on the surface of which Juni Shinsho, The Twelve Heavenly Generals of Yakushi Nyorai are cast in relief. The “Ohatsuki (seeds grow on the leaves)” gingko tree and the huge Japanese Bigleaf Magnolia tree of 300 year-old in the precinct are designated as the prefecture’s Natural Treasures.

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368 Kaiba, Haibara-cho, Uda, Nara Prefecture, 633-0201
Kaichoji Temple

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