Ootodoro Waterfall is a marvellous cataract located in Sawadani, NakaDistrict, Tokushima Prefecture. The Sawatani River, a tributary of the Sakashuukitou River, has an altitude, is 450m above sea level. The waterfall consists of three levels, but the lower part is itself separated into four levels. The waterfall is also wide and deep. In the upper level, the rock is white, and the water that flows over it is elegant and very beautiful. Its beauty even surpasses that of the Ookama Waterfall, which is one of Japan’s top 100 waterfalls. The waterfall is an overwhelming 20m high. The huge volume of water ensures that the surroundings stay moist and green. It is interesting to see the autumn leaves in fall. In winter, the water becomes very transparent and blue. There is a wonderful tranquility. The beautiful valley scenery can be enjoyed in all seasons, with each season adding something special to the waterfall’s scenery.