NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


金剛輪寺 Kongourin-ji Kongorinji Temple

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Kongorinji Temple located at Aisho Town in Shiga Pref. is one of the three distinguished Tendai temples on the eastside of Lake Biwa (Koto-Sanzan). This is a historic temple established by Emperor Shomu and the monk Gyoki in 741. Since then the temple has overcome a lot of war-tone eras repeating desolation and restoration to date. The main hall is designated as a National Treasure. The hidden treasure of Sho-Kannon as Honzon (the central object of worship), Amida-Nyorai, and the stand statue of Juichimen-Kannon (Kannon with eleven faces) are placed in the main hall. The three-story pagoda of Tairyu-to and Niten-mon Gate are designated as national Important Cultural Properties. The garden constructed in the Edo period (1603-1867) is also nationally designated as a Place of Scenic Beauty, which is known for azaleas and alpine roses. The ruins of Josho-an Tacchu Temple (sub-temple) remains in a tuft of grass beside the gate. A lot of visitors gather to attend the New Year’s sermon of Hatsu-Kannon, where visitors are treated with the turnip soup and the Bon sermon of Sentai-Jizo-Bon (Bon of 1,000 Jizo), where the priests count the huge beads saying a prayer to the Buddha.

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874 Matsuoji, Aisyou-cho, Echi-gun, Shiga Prefecture, 529-1202
Kongorinji Temple

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