NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


スネカ Suneka Suneka Festival

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Suneka festival is a traditional event handed down in Yoshihama, Sanriku-cho, Ofunato, Iwate Pref. On January 15 on Lunar New Year, villagers put on demon-like masks and enter the houses of the village asking if any lazy or soppy children live there. This traditional practice is observed throughout Tohoku district such as Namahage in Akita prefecture. The origin of the word “Suneka” is said to be a monster called “Sunekacchagi,” who comes to rip off the fire spot made on one’s leg from long lazy sitting by the fire. Suneka walk around the town, wearing a straw coat (mino) and a fierce mask that looks like a goblin or a beast, and hanging the abalone shells around the waist. When they arrive at a house, they sniff and shake the door and break into the house asking if there are any lazy or soppy children. Then the parents answer, “No,” and treat them with sake and rice cake. Wide array of men from junior high school students to the elderly play the part of Suneka. In this way, this local tradition has been and will be handed down from generation to generation.

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Yoshihama, Sanriku-cho, Oofunato, Iwate Prefecture, 022-0102

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