NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


誓願寺 Seigan-ji Seiganji Temple

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Seiganji Temple located in Sasayama City, Hyogo Pref. was built during the Tensho era (1573-1592) in the Azuchi-Momoyama period by Hideharu Hatano, the castellan of Yakami Castle, to worship the priest Kakusan Shonin, a son of Yoshiteru Ashikaga. Originally the temple was built at the foot of Mt. Takashiro, but with the construction of Sasayama Castle in 1609 (the early Edo period) it was relocated to the present place as the center of the newly built castle town. The Romon (high gate) is a two-story four-legged gate, one bay wide with one door and a hip-and-gable roof (irimoya-zukuri) covered with tiles (hongawara-buki). The Romon Gate and the Main Hall are the typical examples of the late Muromachi architectural style. These structures were built in “kumiawase (combination)” method of construction, in which no nails were used. In the area around the temple are Sasayama Castle Ruin, old merchants’ residences, old samurai residences, Kasuga Shrine with a Noh stage, and a history museum. It is a popular walking course, where you can enjoy the authentic atmosphere of an old castle town.

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45 Uoya-machi, Sasayama, Hyogo Prefecture 669-2336
Seiganji Temple

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