NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


祈祷 Kitou Kito (Prayers)

Jp En

Kito is a Japanese word meaning to dedicate a ceremony and make a prayer for the protection of gods or Buddha. In Mikkyo Buddhism (esoteric Buddhism), the Goma Fire Ritual is performed while the sacred sutras are being chanted to make a prayer to Buddha for various benefits in the present world such as recovery from illness or driving away the ill luck. In Shinto a priest invokes to a god by reciting norito prayers. Ritual forms are different according to religious sects, purposes, or what is asked for, but it is common in all rituals that they are performed in pursuit of protection, which may be true of all the religions in the world. In Japan prayers are made not only to gods or Buddha but also to one’s ancestors. It can be said that visiting temples or shrines on New Year’s Day, buying a talisman, bon-dancing, and seasonal festivals are also the act of making a prayer in the broad sense of the term. It may be very natural to the Japanese people, who grow up in the heart of nature's bounty, to make these various prayers to Shinto and Buddhist deities that coexist in their lives.

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