NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


日本刀 Nihon-tou Nihon-tou or Katana

Jp En

Nihon-tou is a sword created by techniques unique to Japan. It is manufactured using Tamagane, by applying low heat on refined iron sand. It is formed from a combination of two different steels, softer steel for the inner core of the blade (shingane) and harder steel for outer skin of the blade (kawagane) and the edge of the blade (hagane). This unique combination imparts the Nihon-tou with the distinguished feature  of “won’t break or bend, but cut well”. The ridge line of blade that can be seen today was invented by the end of Heian period. Swords manufactured until the Keichou period (1596 ~ 1615) is called Kotou (old swords) and, after the period, called Shintou (new swords).  They are also valued as art or crafts, and highly regarded not only in Japan but also abroad. Many proverbs and words were born from Nihon-tou, a proof that swords have a deep root in Japanese way of life.

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