NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


首切地蔵尊 Kubikiri-jizou-son Kubikiri Jizo-son (Chop-Neck Jizo)

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The fugitives of Heike (the Taira clan), who were defeated in the battle of the Uji River and driven into the mountains, died a violent death in present-day Tanba City in 1184. Feeling sorry for them, the villagers erected several stones and placed flowers in front of them to pray for the repose of their souls. By and by the stones became famous as Jizo statues, which have the power to fulfill people’s wishes. 3 statues of Jizo with no heads stand side by side on the stone steps and 7 in the small hall. Those statues are known for fulfilling the wishes concerning the head such as academic accomplishment, prevention of becoming forgetful with age, and recovery from illness. A lot of students taking an entrance examination to a university come to pray for these Jizo statues during the season of the entrance exams. On the days of Jizo Festivals held in March and September every year, a lot of visitors come to the mountain, which is also known as a nice place for hiking.

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Tanigawa, Sannan-cho, Tanba, Hyogo Prefecture 669-3131
Kubikiri Jizo-son

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