NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


朝日不動の滝 Asahi-fudou-no-taki The Asahifudo-no-taki Waterfall

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Asahifudo-no-taki is the waterfall in the Asahi River, which flows in Asahi-cho, Iwamizawa City in Hokkaido. With a height of about 5 m, it is not a very tall waterfall but flows beautifully in two-staged sensitive lines. The upper stage flows down 3 m into a 50 cm deep basin, which has been created by unimaginably long lapse of time. The lower stage flows out of this basin and runs down an almost flat slope. The water has polished the jagged rock surface into a smooth slope, on which water slides down gently into the stream below. Its quiet flow is so beautiful that you may feel as if you are looking at an ink painting. The surrounding katsura trees (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) turn yellow in fall. Some of the leaves fall on the rock slope to add colors to the waterfall and some float down the stream. When all the leaves have fallen, the waterfall will be surrounded with tranquility of winter.

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Asahi-cho, Iwamizawa, Hokkaido 068-3185
The Asahifudo-no-taki Waterfall

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