NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


松井田城跡 Matsuida-jyou-ato Matsuida Castle Ruins

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This castle is said to have been built by Annaka Tadamasa as his residence during the Eiroku era (1558-1580), when Takeda Shingen started his campaigns to capture Kozuke province (present-day Gunma Pref.) The castle was captured by Takeda Shingen in 1661. After the Takeda clan became extinct, many battles were fought between the Hojo and the Takigawa clans to capture the castle, and finally the Hojo clan occupied this area. The Hojo forces then made a military advance and fought a battle with Yoda Nobushige, a valiant retainer of Tokugawa Ieyasu, but had to retreat to Matsuida, where a large scale repair work was made to the castle. In the Siege of Odawara in 1590, when the Hojo clan surrendered Odawara Castle to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, they also surrendered Matsuida castle. At the present time, most of the structures are in a good state of preservation. This is a valuable historic site as the forefront bases of the Hojo forces.

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Takanashi, Matsuida-machi, Annaka, Gunma Prefecture 379-0215
Matsuida Castle Ruins

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