NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


岩手 智恵の滝 Iwate Chienotaki The Chie-no-taki Waterfall in Iwate

Jp En

The Chie-no-taki Waterfall is in the upstream of the Chie-no-sawa River, a tributary of the Tada River. It is on the way to Kusa-no-yu, the secluded open air hot spring spot, along the northern route to the top of Mt. Hachimantai.
The cataract dynamically flows down the height of 30 m to the basin surrounded by rocks. Its scale together with the roaring sound and splashes of water is overwhelming. Only the roaring sound of the waterfall heard but not seen until you get down to the river bank, the waterfall is called “Visionary Waterfall.”
As it flows down the rocky cliff, crimson foliage cannot be enjoyed here. After walking for 40 minutes along the mountain trail in the primary forest of beech trees, hikers will be satisfied with its atmosphere of rarely visited place. A newly set grab rail is provided at the steep downward path to the river bank.

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Hachimantai, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
The Chie-no-taki Waterfall

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