NIPPON Kichi - 日本吉


さっぽろ雪まつり Sapporo-yukimatsuri Sapporo Snow Festival

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In 1950, a group of high school students built six snow statues, had a snow fight, and held a carnival. This event attracted more than 50,000 people. Furthermore, it marked the beginning of a customary winter event in Sapporo. Later in 1955, the Japanese Self-Defense Force joined the carnival to make statues, too. In 1959, the occasion was broadcast on TV and attracted even more visitors. In 1965, due to the increase in visitors, the council found a second site in Makomanai. From 1974, the ceremony became international and started to make snow statues of places that were linked to Sapporo: Portland, Sydney, Shenyang, Alberta and Munich. On the 34th occasion, which was in 1983, the council opened a third site in Susukino. The snow sculptures at Susukino became distinctive because they are combined with neon lights. Unfortunately, the Makomanai site closed in 2005. Instead, the council opened a snow playground for children there. As one can see, the Sapporo Snow Festival continues to evolve overtime

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Sapporo-yukimatsuri Sapporo Snow Festival

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